Sunday, February 28, 2010

Here goes....

Like heartburn after an ooey-gooey, just-doughy-enough-in-the-middle, Cinnabon cinnamon roll, it hit me!! I'm going to lose 100 pounds in 2010. And with 10 months left in the year (it will be March 1st in one hour), it is my personal goal to lose 10 pounds a month for the next 10 months equaling 100 pounds (or 10 x 10) lost in 2010!!

Ok, let's just get this out there from the get go...I'm not doing this to claim fame. I don't want to be the next "Biggest Loser" at home contestant. I am not looking for a fan base (although I clearly welcome them, including comments, critiques, and suggestions). I am not looking to get published. I just need some accountability. And even if no one, no one at all, reads this blog, I know I did it. I made the committment for 10 months to blog about my experiences, my thoughts, my feelings, my perspectives as an over-weight, over-educated, over-stressed, under-paid, under-motivated, under-appreciated, 30-something with great hair!! Yes, that's right! Great hair!! Cuz any fat girl knows, no matter how big your waist is, you can always have cute hair! Even if you fear sitting your fat ass in the stylist's chair, as you wait for that one day when her little size 7 shoe may not be able to pump your plump body up in the air to optimize her ergonomics; you still face that fear in order to maintain a trendy do.

So, this is my outlet to be accountable and to finally share my inner thoughts with the world, or maybe just with my best friend, who out of the goodness of her heart and the sisterhood of BFFs will continue to read this on a regular basis.

I invite you to share this blog with me, laugh with me, cry with me, and enjoy the ride!! :)

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