Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Night Appetite!

Well, here I am. Just got home from work and I am on the rampage to find something yummy to satisfy my cravings. Tonight is going to be different I tell myself. I am going to try to resist! Yes! Resist temptation in a perfect binge situation...
nighttime, refrig full of left overs, left over cake from my birthday, everyone asleep, house is quiet, my daytime soap opera comes on in 15 minutes (the perfect time for me to fix a snack or two), and just I worked a 12-hour shift. I have plenty of reasons to award myself for my do-goods of the day. BUT NO!!! I WILL resist! I am going to bed! I need sleep and I am putting my appetite to rest for the night. My dear friends tell me that I don't get enought sleep. I like to think that I don't need sleep because to me it is a waste of time. There are so many things you could be doing besides sleeping. There have been studies done on weight loss and sleep and there have been big correlations made to getting enought sleep and being a healthy weight. This may be a a factor for me, but more than sleep I think one of the reasons why I don't loose weight is because of my night time/evening eating, especially after work. So, here goes. My first attempt to fight against my hunger. Damn it! This is painful! Good Night! :)

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